Person holding wooden box of beautiful vegetables

14 Organic Nutrients to Help Your Garden Thrive

What is NPK? Reading 14 Organic Nutrients to Help Your Garden Thrive 5 minutes Next 5 Benefits of Amending Your Soil

Growing organic can be extremely beneficial when maintaining a healthy crop.

Bacteria are the key that unlocks the power of organic nutrients by breaking them down into usable forms for the plant. All organic nutrients typically need to undergo some sort of decomposition and interaction with bacteria to truly become useful. These bacteria are naturally present in most soils, but can be supplemented with the help of certain products at a very low cost to the grower.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular organic amendments and what each can do for your plants:

Alfalfa Meal

Alfalfa makes a fantastic soil conditioner, and contains a complex assortment of 12 vitamins, multiple minerals, 16 amino acids, and natural triacontanol that improve overall soil and plant health. Alfalfa is also a great source of nitrogen.

Composted Turkey Litter

Turkey Litter Compost provides a stable source of macronutrients with a high carbon to nitrogen ratio. The higher ratio of carbon serves to work together with natural soil biology to create an environment conducive to vigorous plant growth without locking out potential nutrient sources.


Azomite is mined from an ancient volcanic ash deposit in Central Utah, USA which was formed by a volcanic eruption that caused ash to settle into an ancient seabed.  Azomite has long been used to restore valuable trace minerals that would otherwise come from mass-produced synthetic sources.

Bat Guano

Bat guano is a powerful source of both Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Bat Guano can provide a natural quick release and slow release source for both Phosphorus and Nitrogen.

Blood Meal

Blood Meal is an organic nitrogen source derived from dried animal blood. Minimal amounts of blood meal can provide quick bursts of nitrogen – supplementary slow release and other forms of nitrogen can also be used to mitigate the amount of blood meal necessary.

Bone Meal

Bone Meal is a wonderful, organic source of phosphorus and calcium. Bone meal slowly breaks down in the soil and that makes it an ideal source for a sustained supply of essential nutrients. It’s a great source of Zinc, Magnesium, and Calcium, and macro nutrients such as Phosphorus and Nitrogen.

Crustacean Meal

Organic crustacean meal is a slow-release nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium source which also contains trace micronutrients. Chitin in crustacean meal provides root zone disease prevention, acts as a microbial habitat, and as a slow release nitrogen source.

Feather Meal

Made from ground feathers of chickens, feather meal is an incredibly potent and fast-acting nitrogen source with some slow-release capability as well. Feather meal works in conjunction with soil bacteria to improve overall bioavailability of nitrogen.

Fish Protein and Fish Bone Meal

Fish protein works together with the microbiology of your soil, and feeds nitrifying bacteria so that additional bioavailable nitrogen can be readily available for plants. Fish bone meal is a powerful fast-acting phosphorus and calcium source. Fish bone meal breaks down slightly quicker than traditional bone meal, making it a great way to add phosphorus during the bloom phase, while maintaining just enough nitrogen to ease the plant through transition phase as well.

Humic Acid

Humic acid has a significant number of benefits, including chelating micronutrients. Chelated micronutrients are less susceptible to leaching and become more readily bioavailable.


Kelp is one of the fastest growing plants on earth, and some species can even average 3 feet of growth per day. This is made possible through a cellulose structure that filters sea water, which contains a plethora of elements and minerals, and stores nutrients.  This rapid growth and abundance of minerals make kelp a fantastic, sustainable resource for organic farmers.

Neem Seed Meal

A byproduct of the pressing process, neem seed meal contains no neem oil, and no concentrated azadiracthin, but is useful as a soil conditioner, especially in organic farming. Neem seed meal is effective at repelling root borne disease, while also capable of fending off fungus gnats and other pests.

Seabird Guano

Fossilized seabird guano is a unique additive – the length of time between the deposit of the guanos and harvest allows trace micronutrients to collect in matrix with the guano resulting in a highly effective concoction that can drive flower development and aromatics.

Yucca Meal

Yucca contains complex sugars, making it a highly stable carbon source for microorganisms. These organisms help organic matter become bioavailable in the form of mineralized nutrients and help prevent root disease while promoting root growth.

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Geoflora Nutrients contain a blend of all of the ingredients mentioned above in an easy to use one part formula for each stage of the growing cycle.